Event by Karen Chin and Kyle Chua
Egret Badminton Club
Duration: 2 days
Venue: Egret Badminton Club Schaumburg
Date: March 18-19, 2023
Prizes: $5,000 (U.S.) Total Prize and Money
Events: 35+ / 45+ / 55+ / Combined 120+ (minimum age of 45 for combined)
*To qualify for the specific age events, individuals must be of the age and over as of 12/31/2023.
Categories: MS/WS/MD/WD/XD
Format: Main and Consolation Draws
Register & Online Entry Deadline: Monday March 6th, 2023 by 11:59 PM CST (NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED)
(Registration to open soon)
Sponsored by:
ZUWA Tax Consulting
Phoenix Medical Healthcare Center
Dardur Medical Group
Midwest Badminton Association
Skylar Sun Sports
Youhe USA
Ding Tea Rolling Meadows
Karen Chin - kchin5@gmail.com
Kyle Chua